DOUBLE Your Speaking Business Utilizing the Ten Growth Levers 💪

The Next Level

Perfect for established speakers earning $40K+ per year

DOUBLE your speaking business utilizing the ten growth levers.


• Established speakers who earn a minimum of $40K annually. I’ll show you how to double your speaking business and multiply your impact through books, courses, curriculum, and building a team.


• Step-By-Step Training: Implement the ten growth levers to double your existing speaking business. The first five levers are about maximizing what’s already working. The following five levers aim to scale and diversify your business. See a detailed explanation of what is taught in the twenty-two-minute video above. You’ll have lifetime access to this training and any updated material added.

 • One-on-One Strategy Session with Josh Shipp: A deep dive analysis of what’s working and not working. I will deeply analyze your speaking business and give you tactical advice with surgical precision.


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Our role in your success: nothing on this website is a guarantee of success. Any financial numbers referenced here are simply estimates and should not be considered a promise of potential earnings. Success in any endeavor requires considerable work and risk. If you are unwilling to put forth either, our material is not for you.

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